Recipes: Michael’s Savory Seitan’s Vegan Reuben Sandwich

Michael’s Savory Seitan‘s owner Michael Casady: Of all my recipes, which you can find on my website, I really love my Vegan Reuben Sandwich. Enjoy!

Michael’s Savory Seitan’s Vegan Reuben Sandwich

Servings:  1


  • 1 multigrain roll
  • 4 oz. Michael’s Savory Seitan
  • 3 oz. vegan coleslaw
  • 2 oz. vegan thousand island
  • 1 oz. Bragg’s Aminos
  • 1 oz. vegan cheese
  • 1 oz. olive oil


  1. Squeeze seitan free of broth.
  2. Add oil, and brown the seitan in frying pan.
  3. While seitan is hot in pan, add Aminos and cheese.
  4. In new pan, place bread and brown as preferred.
  5. After seitan and bread are done, place seitan and cheese on roll and add coleslaw and thousand island. Enjoy!
Seitan Reuben Sandwich at Vge Cafe (photo courtesy of Vge Cafe via Michael's Savory Seitan)
Seitan Reuben Sandwich at Vge Cafe (photo courtesy of Vge Cafe via Michael’s Savory Seitan)

For more great seitan recipes, visit



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